Conspiracy Theories

I love to hear a good conspiracy theory!

Some people are uncomfortable with them. But for me, conspiracy theories are intriguing. It’s like exploring a puzzle or a mystery novel.

I’m a writer and I find it interesting to consider the theory, weigh the evidence and see if it makes any sense. I suppose, for some, it’s a form of entertainment.


It’s a fact that at least half of the civilized world agree with one or more of the common theories.


There is an emotional tug to conspiracy theories because the human brain evolved by processing information about survival in the wild. This includes the tendency to assume that unseen predators are lurking in the bushes and that coincidental events are somehow related.


What is a “conspiracy theory”?

It’s a proposed plot by powerful people or organizations working in secret to accomplish some sinister goal.


Once a person believes one theory they will believe in many because they would begin to see the authorities as fundamentally deceptive.


People question things: Why is there EVIL on earth? Humans have a dark side!

Why do bad things happen? Because there are Evil people that benefit from them! This is the underlying structure of conspiracy theories.


Many people, today, feel powerless and isolated and they imagine a world in which other people have unlimited power and work secretly together to achieve their goals.


There is a human need to explain the world and the presence of EVIL in it!


Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then you look for confirming evidence and low and behold you have a “conspiracy theory”!


People feel “shadowy forces” are behind major world events. The theories come from a paranoid mindset: “Somebody is out to get us!”


Belief in conspiracies is predictable when people are fed lies and distortions and when simple facts are declared “state secrets”.


A lot of what gets categorized as conspiracy is often people just trying to make sense of things in a world where government and the media inform us in a way that best suits their agenda.


It’s intriguing that the theories are usually based on claims that are nearly impossible to prove or disprove. Hence, skepticism is increased!


Ordinary folk feel left out of the mechanics of power mainly because politicians are so devious. So naturally, it’s easy to believe that political affairs can be driven by sinister forces.


The “Powers That Be” use the term “conspiracy theory” to provide a convenient way of brushing serious allegations aside, because they want the official version of events to prevail. So much of what is reported is manipulated and distorted, now days, that we tend NOT to believe the “official version” of anything!


In conclusion: If politicians and the media were more reliable, forthcoming and truthful, maybe the public would believe the “official version” of things more.


So, readers, what is your favorite conspiracy theory and why?

And do you believe it?


4 thoughts on “Conspiracy Theories

  1. One of my favorite people to listen to is Jesse Ventura. The former Governor of Minnesota and a pro wrestler. Not at the same time. Bring up his name on You Tube and hear from the best teller of conspiracy theories.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly, I find the arena a fascinating one and really, everyone follows one conspiracy theory or another, whether they are willing to admit to it or not. Myself, I adhere to several!. lol

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